OACEO Website

Monthly Attributes of Good Character

September/October -Character & Responsibility
-Attitude & Gratitude
-Caring & Respect February
-Honesty & Trustworthiness
-Fairness & Perseverance

CEO Documents:

CEO Slideshows (.ppt):

  • Character & Responsibility
  • Caring & Respect

    CEO Norms:

  • Code of Conduct for Meetings (TBA)
  • Member Responsibilities
  • Board Responsibilities


  • ...leading by example!
    [ Current Members | Past Members | CEO Board | MAGC Training | Monthly Activities ]

    We meet at lunch in Room 300 on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month!

    Current Character Education Officers (CEOs):
    Past Members | CEO Board | MAGC Training | Monthly Activities ]

    CEO Member Responsibilities (as explained in the CEO Contract signed in September):
    CEOs are students from grades 8-12 who were nominated in June by teachers to serve as leaders in Character Education at Oxford Academy because of the strong character traits they possess and demonstrate regularly at school. They are invited to serve as models and promoters of good character on campus by organizing and carrying out several activities for the entire student body that strengthen and celebrate positive behavior in all school-related events. These activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • attending all CEO meetings and events, unless prior notice is given (1 absence per semester is allowed)
  • participating in character education leadership trainings (called "MAGC Workshops") per year in order to effectively model and promote the MAGC on campus and at OA events
  • reinforcing character-related quotes from the morning announcements on a personal level with peers
  • assisting with the Student of the Month program (organized by the PTSA)
  • promoting the CIA Program, on-going, anecdotal recognition on morning announcements for those who "exhibit the MAGC" on campus and in school events, with the CIA slips and box located in the Activities Office
  • performing one service learning project per semester (for example, Power Hour tutoring for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Anaheim)
  • serving well-deserved ice cream to their peers at O-Socials, quarterly (3 times a year)... offered to students with at least 8 O's in Citizenship & Effort on their report cards
  • organizing and presenting the POC Awards, given to adults for exhibiting the MAGC (parents, staff, administration, and faculty... voted on by the students)
  • planning and carrying out the Annual De-Stress Days after all standardized testing is completed



      Vice Presidents:
      Publicity Commissioner:
      ICC Representatives:


      Jessica A., Starlene B., Lindsay B., Priya C., Shilpa C., Jeremiah C., Diana E., Fareshte E., Michael H., Katherine I., Melissa K., Esther J. K., Jane K., Nathan L., James L., David M., Justin M., Lucy N., Quang N., Tina O., Kyle S., Glory S., David T., Angelica T., and Jennifer U.
      Sarah C., Michael D., Stephanie D., Lisa G., Andrew I., Sabeen K., Rahul K., Ramon L., Rachel L., Keyur M., James M., Kenny N., Jasmine S., Jane T., Daniel T., and Michelle W.

    CEO Board:
    Current Members | Past Members | MAGC Training | Monthly Activities ]

    CEO Board Member Responsibilities (as explained in the CEO Contract signed in September):
    CEO Board Members are CEOs who would like to run for office within the group. Each position's responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Advisor (Ms. Matić)

  • Initiate and complete teacher CEO Nomination process (June/September/October)
  • Attend all board and general meetings, advise as necessary
  • Chaperone all CEO events, on-campus and off
  • Provide signature and approval on necessary documents (meeting minutes, announcements, requisitions, pink cards, etc.)
  • Write and distribute meeting agendas to CEOs via Cluster classes
  • Create certificates for Patriots of Character Awards
  • Act as liason between CEOs and district-wide Character Education Programs
  • Serve as an ICE Fellow at the county level


  • Attend and lead all board and general meetings and events
  • Attend and lead all CEO events
  • Attend Faculty meetings as necessary to represent CEOs as necessary (Sept. – Sept.)
  • Take responsibility for all board members and help complete jobs as necessary
  • Act as liason between CEOs and Faculty/Staff

    Vice President

  • Attend all board and general meetings and events
  • Assist in leading board and general meetings
  • Communicate directly with CEOs via e-mail (send meeting and event reminders, minutes, etc.) using CEO e-mail account
  • Attend Faculty meetings as necessary to represent CEOs as necessary (Sept. – Sept.)


  • Attend all board and general meetings and events
  • Take roll at all board and general meetings (using the sticker system)
  • Take minutes and email to Advisor, to keep records of each meeting
  • Manage all paperwork (copy, distribute, collect)

    Publicity Commissioner

  • Attend all board and general meetings and events
  • Delegate and help in CEO publicity efforts (posters/flyers)
  • Delegate and help in posting and taking down publicity
  • Write AM announcements (approved by Advisor) via e-mail to advertise events

    ICC Representative

  • Attend all board and general meetings and events
  • Attend ICC meetings to keep CEOs informed of school-wide events
  • Attend other organizations’ meetings as necessary (SCC, PTSA, Foundation, ASB, FBLA, HSOC, Key Club, etc.) and report pertinent information to the group

    Names of Past CEOs:
    Current Members | CEO Board | MAGC Training | Monthly Activities ]



      President: Melissa K.
      Vice Presidents: Lindsay B. & Starlene B.
      Secretary: Jeremiah C.
      Publicity Commissioner: Shilpa C.

      Members (26)

      Jessica A., Priya C., Diana E., Fareshte E., Michael H., Katherine I., Esther J. K., Jane K., Nathan L., James L., David M., Justin M., Lauren M., Lucy N., Quang N., Tina O., Kyle S., Glory S., David T., Angelica T., and Jennifer U.




      President: Joey M.
      Vice Presidents: Valerie W. & Jeremiah C.
      Secretary: Rachel S.
      Publicity Commissioner: Melissa K.
      ICC Representative: Lindsay B.

      Members (22)

      Starlene B., Shilpa C., Erin C., Jordan F., Kathryn I., Esther J. K., James L., Justin M., Lauren M., Samuel N., Nathan N., Quang N., Esther Y. P., Glory S., Andy T., and Michael W.


      2002-03 Members (24)

      Starlene B., Lilian B., Justin C., Shilpa C., Erin C., Lindsay H., Melissa K., Khushboo K., Esther K., James L., Sharon L., Quang N., Krystale R., Justin M., Samuel N., Jazminne O., Amanda S., Glory S., Billy S., Lauren M., Esther P., Rachel S., Andy T., and Yen V.

    MAGC Training:
    Current Members | Past Members | CEO Board | Monthly Activities ]


      Caring & Respect (Friday, November 19, 2004 - Enrichment)

      1) Role was taken with the sticker system.


        PRESENT: Melissa K., Starlene B., Lindsay B., Jeremiah C., Shilpa C., Jessica A., Michael H., Kathryn I., David T., Priya C., Candace F., James L., Fareshte E., Lauren M., Justin M., Angelica T., Jane K., Lucy N., Nathan L., and Jennifer U.

        EXCUSED: Stephanie D., Esther J. K., Glory S., Kyle S.

        ABSENT: Valerie W., Quang N., Laura W., Samuel N., Eric H., Diana E., David M., Gail B., Tina O.


      2) CEOs watched/listened to the "Caring and Respect" slideshow presented by the board and advisor.
      (click on title to download PowerPoint slides presented at workshop)

      3) The slideshow presentation was followed up by brainstorming situations in which disrespect or uncaring attitudes were observed in school-related events. Some of those mentioned include but are not limited to the following:


    • When teachers interrupt/ignore you
    • When people flaunt their money, bragging about their Tiffany's stuff and Coach purse
    • When people gossip about you behind your back
    • When teachers ignore you when you raise your hand
    • When you say "hi" to a stranger and they don't respond
    • When teachers interrupt you while you are trying to talk to another teacher
    • When counselors treat you differently based on your grades or parental involvement
    • When people say that something is "gay" or "retarded"
    • When people make stereotypes about how "Asian" Oxford is
    • When teachers favor students (i.e. advanced studens in a beginning band/choir class)
    • When the so-called "popular people" look down on others like they're better than everybody
    • When religious clubs are active on campus and separation of church & state is ignored
    • When someone else dresses differently and people make fun of them
    • When invitations say "everyone is invited" but you didn't get one, or when you go and you feel uncomfortable because no one associated with you
    • When people make fun of you for being smart and having a 4.0
    • During group work, having to go from group to group asking to join
    • When someone speaks in a language I don't know, I feel excluded
    • While at a dance, and people say "(so-and-so) can't dance"
    • When people ignore you just because they cannot conceive the idea you are trying to say
    • When people think they're better than you because of your weight
    • When you are put in a group and the "popular" people seem to not want to associate with the "unpopular" people
    • When the "popular" people exclude others by calling them names or throwing dirty looks
    • When people get bullied and picked on because they're not average size (smaller or bigger than normal)
    • When teachers only choose boys to carry things

      4) Worksheets were distributed to CEOs while they took turns writing observations on the board.

      • "Pyramid of Hate" talked about the roots of genocide being acts of bias and how simple thoughts can escalate into immoral actions.
      • "How to Intervene" focused on steps for teachers to combat bullying and discrimination, so we used this as a springboard to offer suggestions on how students would deal with these issues.
        (Materials were provided by the Anti-Defamation League's "A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE Institute" training.)

      5) CEOs were then split into groups to discuss and identify the most pressing issues, and also to offer solutions to the problems or positive ways of dealing with the situations generated.





















    Please send questions/ comments to
